My girls rocked this year! Their cookies, cakes and packages were filled with love, creativity and happiness. During that evening, for a moment I stepped away from laughter and … which was filling out the room, and I thought how beautiful it is that we are gathering every year, how lovely it is that we have something to look forward to, and give each other with little gifts in which we gave ourselves, our time, our hands, our laughs…Here is how it was.

I’ll be honest with you, this is not any „cookie party“. Last year I wrote about a book which inspired me to organize this gathering, and this year I am sharing our club’s rules, if you wish to start it with your friends as well.
1. You can do any kind of cookies. Sweet, savory, round, rectangular, creamy, tea cookies…but edible.
2. Cookies must not be store bought and you must prepare them by yourselves (not your moms, sisters, grandmas, etc.)
3. You have to wrap them into packages. One package for each one taking par tin the club (except for yourselves), one for tasting and one extra. * It means that if there are 8 of you in the club, you have to bring 9 packages.
4. You can decide about Number of cookies per package, but do not try to ask for more than a dozen of cookies per package. We had a minimum of 4 cookies per package this year, due to the number of members (eight)
5. You must bring a copy of your recipe with you, for everyone.
6.If you can not take part, send your cookies and thereby save your place for the next year.
7. Place and time, as well as the host, are selected each year for the upcoming year. Host is obliged to prepare a little dinner, with the help from others.

And a little explanation: This extra package is probably the most beautiful thing in the entire story.
Namely, it is a humanitarian one. By collecting a humanitarian package from each member, we pack a big cookie bag which we bring to someone who has no money to buy or make cookies for Christmas. Making others happy is our Christmas – and you can do it as well.
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